
The Dark Side...

It's not something anyone likes to talk about, but we all feel it within. Some of us more than others, depending on a given situation. It's not about love- love is the easy part. If love was only requirement of a parent, Nancy Grace wouldn't have a job. The dark side calls us as we grow more tired, more stressed, and more lonely. It beckons as our children cry and test the limits of our patience constantly. What keeps us from crossing over? How do we remain in social acceptance? I have seen the results of crossing over- that definitely is part of it. Maybe it's a Yoda, or you're lucky enough to have discovered the Force, and can call on Him when you need to. The bottom line is this: we see Vader, and we understand. We know what it's like not to be able to quiet the crying baby, to not have slept for days, and to wonder what happened to our lives. We know what brings you to the dark side- I wish we could be better at keeping you from the fall. You are not alone, and I wish you could see and feel that.


Bookaholics Anonymous

I have been anxiously anticipating the opening of our library for months. Now that it's open and I have an invitation into hundreds of books NOT on parenting your toddler, I am hesitant and apprehensive. I love reading, love it. To distraction, and irritability by distractions. I easily become entranced in the characters and their world, often thinking about them long after putting the book down to do other things. Like eat, sleep, and take care of the kids. And I love my kids, absolutely and completely. I guess it's an odd dilemma, and common sense says to read during naps and after they go to bed. This is where I liken it to an addiction- I have to read, I can't put it down, what happens next might be the pivotal plot-turning event. Book Club? Too limiting- I usually finish any book I start in 1-2 days. Take that to the end of the month with the Swiss cheese brain developed through 2 pregnancies. Ha. This is a revolving door problem- and I don't know if I want to be outside or inside. Truthfully, I want to keep going around- realistically, I get nauseous from turning in circles.


5 Things I'll Never Understand

5. People who don't realize that death does not equal vaporization of self and all worldly belongings.
4. Toys made to work 1-2 times, delighting the child, then never again.
3. EMO... WHAT is it? I can never get a straight answer- even from the kids who are "emo".
2. Preferring the floor instead of the toddler bed.
1. The attraction of drinking bubble liquid- not tasting, drinking. That and bath water...

I admit those aren't the only things I'll never understand- just my current top 5.
Summer television programming is AWESOME. I can't believe I'm watching a show on bratty teenage girls on Lifetime, and it's the only thing that's not a rerun. Ugh.


What I Want...

World peace?
How about home peace?
A quiet day where the children do not scream even a little.
They read books they take off the shelf, one at a time, and then return them when finished.
They listen to me when I tell them not to stand on chairs, sofas, tables, and animals.
They go to the potty- without getting up and making a puddle on the carpet.
Since none of that is reality, I guess I'll settle for Excedrin and Coke.