
The Dark Side...

It's not something anyone likes to talk about, but we all feel it within. Some of us more than others, depending on a given situation. It's not about love- love is the easy part. If love was only requirement of a parent, Nancy Grace wouldn't have a job. The dark side calls us as we grow more tired, more stressed, and more lonely. It beckons as our children cry and test the limits of our patience constantly. What keeps us from crossing over? How do we remain in social acceptance? I have seen the results of crossing over- that definitely is part of it. Maybe it's a Yoda, or you're lucky enough to have discovered the Force, and can call on Him when you need to. The bottom line is this: we see Vader, and we understand. We know what it's like not to be able to quiet the crying baby, to not have slept for days, and to wonder what happened to our lives. We know what brings you to the dark side- I wish we could be better at keeping you from the fall. You are not alone, and I wish you could see and feel that.

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