

What does 7+ days of diarrhea, 2 rashes, 3 changes of clothes/day, 3-4 refills of Pedialyte, and a healthy 4 year-old equal?

(unless you've lived it already...)

Movie time. Thank goodness there's about 20 Land Before Time movies. Even better- they don't mind if I don't watch with them. That equals blog time for Mommy! Sigh...


The Top 5 Things That Make Me Tired... Today.

5. Swimming lessons in 110 degree heat.

4. 4 year-olds that dismantle valences during "rest" time.

3. Wondering what DO crickets eat, and trying to remember to Google it.

2. Hoping that infinite wisdom will go on sale at Costco.

1. It is way, way, way too hot to be drinking coffee- no Starbucks Triple White Mocha. (No, I don't drink iced coffee, thanks.)



I'm moving too fast. I can see that I am, but I'm not sure how to slow down without stopping completely. I thought I was just trying to keep up with everything else- turns out I caught up and flew by some distance ago. The worst part is, I am not moving only me; I am pulling my girls right along with me. And I keep thinking I hear them tell me to slow down, but I just worry if I slow down too much I will miss everything. Surprise- CRASH! Brick wall, face first, me. Let's just call the wall "bunk beds". Apparently, the equation of bunk beds+22 month old NEVER equals sleep... There should be a warning label. My other wake-up call was a post titled "60 seconds" on Newborn Identity. If you go there, bring tissues. The link is in my bloglist. Slow down, now, and take a minute- look at that little face that has been driving you up a wall- and pray for Mike and Heather.


Seeing and Breathing

There are certain things we hope we never experience. They are unimaginable, unfathomable, and incomprehensible. This has been on my mind since the first time I found a blog titled "The Spohrs are Multiplying". Heather wrote about her little sidekick, Maddie- and the way she wrote, was the way I feel about my little sidekicks. Then I got to the end and all the air got sucked out of me- her little buddy wasn't with us any more. See- no air. Each day I find myself in moments where I think of Heather- a mom, a wife, and a stranger. And I am a little lost. Is there healing after? I would think of it as losing a limb- everything you do is different because it is gone, and it will never be again. Heather still writes her blog, and it is raw, sharp, and piercing. I see things a little clearer because of her. For little while, anyway...
